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Where Are You At With Women's Empowerment?

(A tribute as we celebrate International Women’s Month)

As we all know, we annually celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th which allows everyone to see women differently, and with fair respect! On this day, women celebrate their political, social, and economic achievements, along with women’s culture. It is the day when an action for gender parity made a mark on history! The untold stories of some women who contributed to science and technology back in the day inspire me! Looking back at how thousands of women marched demanding better work hours and pay in 1908 and all the movements until the present, that alone is more than enough to celebrate and empower women!

As a woman myself, I am so happy to see the outstanding achievements of women all around the world. A lot of women throughout history have been fighting for our rights! I feel proud knowing I am capable of doing what they can! As this famous line goes, “If they can, you surely can!” I mean how powerful it is to get to know your potential, to achieve that, and more. We all know how harsh the world can get. I see it every day, and that is the main reason why I do what I do today, empower women. I started being kind to myself, valuing myself, and loving myself and it brings so much peace and harmony to my daily living. As I empower myself, I empower women despite their color, race, or life status, none of that matters! We are women with rights and power!

To be honest, I was once extremely negative toward myself, I didn't believe that I could. I belittle myself as I went through some of the darkest times of my life! I was not excused to deep pain and at some point, I was guilty of unconsciously inflicting negativity on other women. I felt sick myself, so that was my outlook in life. Each day I battled the demons of my own mind but after prolonged pain and suffering, I eventually hit rock bottom and it felt like I lost everything that I thought mattered. I asked myself, what matters to me the most? What do I value? It took a great amount of time to answer these questions with clarity but what I recognized was, I hadn't been giving value to myself. I treated myself as if I didn't matter and I felt like I only existed because of my responsibilities. I recognized I wasn't alone, many other women had spoken of feeling this way too.

By giving myself the time and space to personally develop, I started to shift the way I thought, which created a ripple effect in the way I felt and the choices I made. Valuing and trusting myself and believing that I could do anything gave me a new lease on life. No one can give that to you, no money or material things can give you such value and peace but only yourself! Putting yourself first and filling your own cup allows you to share goodness, peace, and love with others. I identified my unhealthy habits and made progress in creating healthy ones! Fast forward to the present, as we celebrate Women’s Month, I have never been this happy and at peace celebrating and collaborating with other women!

Isn’t it amazing to carry love and peace instead of being haunted by the past? Isn’t it amazing to not fear and take that leap of faith because we trust and know ourselves enough? Isn’t it amazing to celebrate womanhood/sisterhood? Women have been fighting for our rights ever since. Even in World War I and II, women fought for peace and solidarity. Even our Ancestors had their own fight for womanhood. May each of us empower ourselves so we can be as one! May we all empower women! They say, “An empowered woman, empower women!” Now as a woman, how well do you know yourself?


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