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Roaming from Country to Country

As I roam from place to place, I feel into the Countries of Indigenous lands, bringing a little more presence into these feels during NAIDOC week.

My journey starts at Lithgow with my feet planted firmly on Wiradjuri country. A place that is deep in my heart and one that has been home to many of my ancestors.

As I roll onto the border where Wiradjuri and Dharug Country are said to meet, I feel into the differences as I believe the boundaries have been blurred by colonisation. I search for clues, take note of the different surrounds, and as I drive on through, I affirm this Country was dominated by colonisation and whilst I can’t even begin to acknowledge the pain and injustices suffered, I consider this and reflect upon the ripple to all past, present and emerging First Nations people.

I move on through Darkinjung Country, a place I am not too familiar with but recognise a shift in scenery, away from the higher Mountains and further from the cold chill in the air. I listen to the tunes of NAIDOC week's collab on JJJ and reflect on the talent of many indigenous artists. I gaze back at the land, see the vastness of space and time, and recall listening to the work being done by the Indigenous culture in harmony with Country many thousands of years ago. I hold another moment of gratitude to First Nations people for the nurture and care provided to the land.

Arriving on Wonnarua Country, I ground, connect, ask and set up sacred space. A day of reiki healings for beautiful locals, knowing this magic ripples out to others and heals the earth. I give thanks for allowing my work to be done here on these lands. Whilst here in this Country, the heavy rains come, the river peaks, and I cannot roll on up to Biripi Country. I hear that Biripi Country has begun flooding too. I’m left considering what is becoming of this precious earth since the changing of hands. When I began my van life journey almost two years ago, I was unfamiliar with all the Countries I roamed. I knew the Country I resided, where I worked and where I was born. I am becoming more familiar with research and earth connection, and as I do, my relationship with the earth continues to deepen. I share a little of my journey through sacred Countries to raise awareness so that more people may stop… take note… reflect… and pay respects to the traditional landowners who not only tended to the lands so many thousands of years ago but who continue to care for and nurture these lands today.

Many people ask when I’ve been to a touristy destination if I’ve seen this or that, and the answer is usually “no”.  My passion calls me to connect to the earth and know who was and is its nurturer. To feel the aliveness, tap into the wisdom,  receive and give deep love. 

For anyone who isn't aware, “National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday) to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.”

One of the websites I use to help me find what Country I roam through is


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